By Emailbeam

3 Days to Authentic Emails

Are you a woman-owned business who wants to learn how to sell authentically?

Email marketing has your back! Yet many business owners don't do email marketing right, resulting in email overwhelm, tone-deaf messaging, spam complaints and missed opportunities to attract abundance.

shape up your email marketing in 3 days. Here's how:

DAY ONE: The first and most important step is the welcome email, which can get up to a 90% open rate. Learn how to deliver value when your subscribers need it most.

DAY TWO: 3 sleazy email tactics to avoid and 2 authentic alternatives that show real love for your audience and boost your sales. Memorize the magic ratio between selling and providing value in your emails.

DAY THREE: Lighten your to-do list. Implement these 5 critical automated emails to nurture your audience all year-long.

59% of marketers say email is their biggest source of ROI.

Get the advice you need to create emails that convert while connecting with your audience.

0% Sleaze. 100% Realness. Enter your email address and get the first lesson delivered today.

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